International Forest Fire News (IFFN) is an activity of the FAO/UNECE Team of Specialists on Forest Fire and the Global Fire Monitoring Center (GFMC). IFFN is published on behalf of UNECE Timber Committee and the FAO European Forestry Commission. Copies are distributed and available on request from:
UNECE Trade Development and Timber Division
Timber Branch
Palais des Nations
1211 Geneva 10
Fax: +41-22-917-0041
The publication is edited and prepared by Johann Georg Goldammer, Leader of the FAO/UNECE Team of Specialists on Forest Fire, at the Global Fire Monitoring Center (GFMC), Germany.
Mailing address, telephone and fax numbers of the editor:
Johann Georg Goldammer Fax: +49-761-80 80 12
The Global Fire Monitoring Center (GFMC) Tel: +49-761-80 80 11
Fire Ecology Research Group E-mail:
Max Planck Institute for Chemistry
c/o Freiburg University / United Nations University (UNU)
Georges-Koehler-Allee 75
79110 Freiburg