Management in a prevention efforts forest and land fire that occurred in Sputeast Asia Region is the focus of activity RFMRC-SEA under the GFMC so lets be doing joint research or to find information related to forest and land fires that occurred in Southeast Asia Region so that retrieved the root problems that keep recuring every year. Scientific assistance based on this research will become a base or advice to state institutions in SoutheastAsia or ASEAN to be able to create a design or preventive efforts in order that this forest and land fires can be overcome by the principle of resource suatainable.
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The Current Project RFMRC-SEA provides information about the distribution of hotspots, incidents of forest and land fires and provide steps that must be performed in an attempt to reduce the incidence of forest and land fires in the Southeast Asia Region which each years to happen. RFMRC-SEA project is under the Global Fire Monitoring Center (GFMC) located in Germany, information RFMRC-SEA give a result of report from media, research, and analysis based on the clear source and description.
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