The 7th Webinar Series: Forest Fire Prevention is Really Needed

The 7th Webinar Series: Forest Fire Prevention is Really Needed

Thursday, January 27, 2022 | 02.00 – 04.00 (GMT + 7 Jakarta Time)
Open Room Zoom 01.50 (GMT + 7 Jakarta Time)

Guest Speaker:
Dr. Michael Allen Brady (Principal Scientist at CIFOR)

1. Dr. Veerachai Tanpipat (วีรชัย ตันพิพัฒน์) D.Eng. (Kassetsart University, Thailand)
2. Mr.Sihol Aritonang (President Director PT.RAPP/APRIL, Indonesia)
3. Mr. Peter Thavone (Planning and Cooperation Division Department of Forestry, Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, Lao PDR)

Chair Person:
Dr. Yenni Vetrita (Research Organization for Aeronautics and Space (LAPAN), National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN))

Link Registration:

The webinar is Supported by The ITTO – Indonesia MoEF Project
“Capacity Building on Forest and Land Fire Management in Indonesia” which was Funded by The Government of Japan”

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