Dialogue and discussion on the agenda “SAVE TROPICAL PEATLANDS” between a delegation from Indonesia and the Kyoto University (Japan, 22-24 March 2019)


Japan, 22-24 March 2019


Integrated Training and Education in Forest and Land Fires Phase I, 2019 Year of RFMRC-SEA Office and Laboratory Forest and Land Fires Dept of Silviculture, (Bogor, 13 March 2019)

Bogor, 13 March 2019
Robi Deslia Waldi S.Hut


The Integrated Training and Education in Forest and Land Phase II held by the Indonesian Republican prosecutors’ education and training body aims to provide information regarding forest and land fires that occur and their enforcement.


Joint Meetings UNISDR Wildland Fire Advisory Group (WFAG) International Liaison Committee (ILC) and the Brazilian Conference Organizing Committee for the 7 th International Wildland Fire Conference

Global Fire Monitoring Center (GFMC), Freiburg, Germany
12-14 October 2018

Meeting of the UNISDR Wildland Fire Advisory Group (WFAG) in conjunction with the meeting of the International Liaison Committee (ILC) and the Brazilian Conference Organizing Committee for the 7th International Wildland Fire Conference; GFMC, Freiburg, Germany.


Meeting of the Eurasia Team of Specialists on Landscape Fire Management, GFMC, Freiburg, Germany

12 October 2018

First meeting of the Eurasia Team of Specialists on Landscape Fire Management and


Regional Round Table Meeting and Consultation

Regional Round Table Meeting and Consultation “Enhancing Regional Cooperation in Fire Management in Southeast Asia” Ministry…

Regional Fire Management Resource Center South East Asia (RFMRC-SEA) Meeting, Bogor, 7 June 2018

By: Bambang Hero Saharjo

The second-day activities of Round Table Meeting and Consultation “Enhancing Regional Cooperation on Fire Management in South East Asia”, is visiting The Regional Fire Management Resource Center South East Asia (RFMRC-SEA) located at the Faculty of Forestry, Campus IPB, Drmaga, Bogor on June 7st. 2018.


Field Visit to Bintuni

By: Erianto Indra Saputra | 16 November 2017


As part of the Y-1 activities of UMCES/IPB-NASA Tropical Peat Fire Project, the team visited Bintuni Regency, West Papua to explore the opportunity to conduct peat fire research there. The co-director of the project, Prof. Dr. Bambang Hero Saharjo (Faculty of Forestry IPB) lead the team, accompanied by Dr. Erianto Indra Putra (Faculty of Forestry IPB), Dr. Grahame Applegate (Univ. of Sunshine Coast, Australia), and Andri Thomas (BOSF, Central Kalimantan). The team left Jakarta to Manokwari on 11 November 2017 and arrived safely on the early morning of 12 November 2017. After having the opening meeting with the Vice Dean of the University of Papua, the team continued the trip to Bintuni Regency on 13 November 2017 by using small plane operated by Susi Air (Fig. 1). Three faculty staff from Faculty of Forestry, University of Papua, joined the team to Bintuni. They are Benny Rettob (Dean), Wolfram Mofu (Head of the Department) and Alfredo Wanma (senior lecturer).


The National inter-agency round table forest and fire management and Launching Regional Fire Management Resource Center – South East Asia Region (RFMRC-SEA)


Jakarta, Manggala Wanabhakti, Room Sonokeling, 10 July 2017
